Monday, January 5, 2009

Who's Sad in America?


Man, what a buzzkill ...

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, This is the News of the First Monday of 2009:

Bush Sr. is on Fox News promoting his other son for president.

Did someone lose the pruning shears at the White House?

I know some rabid Democrats that are already up this morning at 530am with their various intoxicants. I know some Democrats that are already losing faith and hope and whatever else happens when your vote wins. I know some Republicans that aren't necessarily relieved to see something like this.

And I know some recently laid-off journalists and comedy writers that are breathing a sigh of relief and billing right now for Monday's assignments and jokes.

What the Republicans know about the Democrats and Independents and various otherly titled offenders is that this emailed link will spin the wheels off of some of the best internet providers. What the Right knows about the Left is that there is a traditionally hysterical, terrified, scared and flagging demographic to feed on. Just like the Left and the Media (they're not the same) fed on that woman standing up in a McCain rally and saying Obama was a Muslim, so too will the Left feed on this.

And the Right can relax for a couple of weeks as the carbon footprint of the Bush Family quietly widens.


The video, naturally, was found at

The photos, found at Getty Images, are of the triumvirate godhead boating in August 2007, and the Bush family gathered on December 25, 2008, at the White House.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

On carbon footprints:

I think it's *hilarious* that people are getting all flustered over an offhand comment that old man made in an interview. Nobody in their right mind really believes old George. It was kind of like when Bob Dole said (in '07 I think) he wants to see Elizabeth run again.

This is a rebuilding year for the Republicans. They got their asses handed to them this year and they're already trying to rally the troops. It's likely they'll fail, given their track record of allowing neocons to run amok in their party. Not that the Dem's have done any better, what with their giant gay-hating constituency.

Who's happy in America? Libertarians. Come on in, folks, the water's fine.